Homeopathic Instructions

Homeopathic Series Therapy (take 10-1)

Frequency: Every three days

Amount: 1 vial

Instructions: Hold under tongue for 10 seconds, swallow.

*No Mint, including toothpaste, Carmex, or Blistex.


Homochords Remedies

*These are optional and only need to be taken going down the series if you feel better doing it. Otherwise, you can take them till they are gone, or you’re done with them.

Frequency: On-off day of the vials, 3 times a day

Amount: 10 drops


Homeopathic Drops

*Finishing taking these until they are gone. You will need to continue taking the systemic detox or drainage, depending on which one you started with.

Frequency: 3 times a day

Amount: 10 drops

Instructions: Hold under tongue for 10 seconds, swallow.

*No Mint, including toothpaste, Carmex, or Blistex.



*Astragals and Andrographis, continue taking until they are gone.

*Course and Quicken can be taken the whole time if you would like.

*Other herbs may need to be taken for up to 3 bottles worth.

Frequency: 2 times per day

Amount: 3


Smart Silver

*Continue this the whole time.

Frequency: 2 times per day

Amount: 1 tsp.

