The most common compliment we hear from our patients is this, “I wish I had come in sooner.”
Typically, people will wait until a problem seriously affects their activities of daily living before seeking care. Waiting to come in only allows the problem to get worse, and typically the longer a problem is present, the longer it will take to correct. There are exceptions.
If you are unsure whether we can help you or our methods, please call to schedule an appointment for a consultation. You’ll be glad you did! We are always accepting new patients.
What to Expect
We ask that you call ahead to schedule to allow the time necessary to do a thorough consultation and exam. First visits are usually around an hour, depending on the difficulty of your case.
On the day of your appointment, you will be asked to fill out a series of paperwork consisting of your health history, personal information, an informed consent, and privacy policy. Once completed, we review what you’ve recorded, take a full history, and ask questions related to your problem.
If you are interested in Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine, we may do a M.E.A.D. (Meridian Energetical Analysis Device) exam to get a better understanding of how your internal network of qi transmission is functioning. This test has special pre-requisite guidelines for the exam day, which will be communicated over the phone with you prior. If necessary, we will match you up with one or multiple Chinese herb remedies to test them to make sure they work for you.
If you are interested in Chiropractic, we will do a brief orthopedic or physical exam and generally 1-2 x-rays of the region in question. We go over these x-rays in detail to explain what is causing your condition and how chiropractic can help. You have absolutely nothing to lose and only your health to gain.

Payment Options
We are in-network with the following insurance plans:
Dr. Zev
- Anthem BCBS
- Cigna
- Aetna
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
- Medicare
Dr. Dan
- Anthem BCBS
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
- Aetna
- Maine Community Health Options
- Cigna
- Medicare
Dr. Ben
- Anthem BCBS
- Cigna
- Aetna
- Medicare
- Maine Community Health Options
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

We bill your insurance carrier directly. We will also submit out-of-network claims in many instances on your behalf.
Other Payment Options:
We gladly accept cash, personal checks, debit, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover).
What Our Clients Have Said:
Words can never express the gratitude and joy I feel because my infant son is no longer disabled! When I first brought my son to you at 8 weeks old, he had not moved his right arm since his birth injury. I had been to every available M.D., D.O., & P.T. in my area. The diagnoses ranged from stretched nerve bundle to severed nerves to Erb’s palsy. No plan for treatment or hope for recovery was ever given. My heart sank as every day I watched that little arm hang there while the other one got stronger.
Two days after his first chiropractic treatment, he moved his right arm for the first time up to shoulder level! And the progress was nothing short of miraculous for the next three weeks. He now has full use of this right arm and has almost totally coordinated it with his left arm in that same short time span.
Please continue to educated students, other caregivers in the medical profession, and anyone who will listen, “Chiropractic Works!” God bless you, and thank you again for your encouragement, support and results!
Gratefully yours,
–E. C.